Virtual Coaching

Through the mystical powers of the internet you can now access John’s great coaching services in the comfort of your own pain cave. As ever the style of training can be tailored to fit in with your individual needs.



The same detailed consultation can be undertaken either over the phone our via the Skype video calling service. If you need to, this application can be downloaded for all desktop, tablet and mobile platforms. Follow the link by clicking the button below.

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Fitness Testing

Utilising the Training Peaks web based training platform, fitness tests can be uploaded to your own personal account. These can then be synched to your cycling computer or indoor trainer.

Fitness test can be be done with or without your coach giving encouragement through your smartphone or tablet!

This data is then professionally analysed and fed back to you.

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Training Plan

Your weekly bespoke training plan is then produced and uploaded onto your Training Peaks account for your to access via your smartphone, tablet or desktop computer.

You can communicate directly with coach via this platform and he can also analyse your workouts, monitoring your fitness and freshness, ensuring that you are staying on track to meet your goals.


Sync Workouts

Individual workouts can then be automatically synced to you Garmin, Wahoo ELEMENT or BOLT or Zwift platforms. Furthermore workouts can be manually exported to many other devices.

To see how simple automatic syncing is, click on the button below

Whatever your current training goals John has the knowledge and professionalism to help you reach your objectives. Although one of John’s main attributes is his kind, personable manner, with Cycloform Virtual Coaching you can utilise the decades of experience he has at his disposal without even having to meet him.

Explore the coaching plans available via this virtual platform here

Or contact John for more information to start your virtual coaching journey.